phone_in_talk +359 88 5049557

Presentation and workshop for practical application of tests and selection tools for work or training

Bimec invites you to participate in a Presentation and Workshop for practical implementation of free of charge tests and recruitment tools created by the Geneus project with the support of the Erasmus + KA2, Strategic Partnerships program.

Date: 30/10/2019

Location: G8 Cultural Center Sofia, 8 Gladstone Str.


10.00 - 10.20 Introducing the GeNeus Project - Gender Neutral Tools and Test for Selection Processes. Aims and results of the project.

10.20 - 10.45 Introducing the tools and tests developed within the GeNeus project. Guidelines for their use in companies, governmental and educational institutions.

10.45 - 11.15 Coffee break

Workshop on practical implementation of the developed tools

11.15 - 12.00 Practical application of the Questionnaire for basic competences for work, developed and standardized by the project: Completing the test and sample evaluation; Interpretation of results; How and when can we use it?

12.00 - 13.00 Practical application of Analytical Exercises - Problem Solving, created and standardized by the project: Case Study and Sample Evaluation; Interpretation of results; How and when can we use them?

13.00 - 13.30 Discussion on "Using tools to improve the equality of the labor market"

More information about the GeNeus project can be found at:

To reserve your seat at the event, please email us at: or call 00359 885049557

We are expecting you!
Bimec's team


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